Morning Sadhana. Because every day is a new opportunity to shine!

Do these feelings resonate with you?

Feeling lost, lacking in confidence, or just disconnected from the world around you? Wrestling with negative thoughts, bogged down by future worries, or haunted by the past? Combatting low energy, restless nights, or simply cruising through life on autopilot?

You're not alone in this.

We all face these challenges. But there's a transformative answer in my Morning Sadhana practice. It's designed to help you reconnect, rediscover your purpose, soothe your mind, and invigorate your spirit. Ready for a life-changing journey? I'm here to guide and support you every step of the way. Let's embrace this transformative leap together.

My other Soul Offerings

  • Sound Journeys/Massage

    Sound Journey’s - Let me support and nourish your mind body and soul with my immersive sound journey’s. I offer one on ones and group sessions. My sound journeys are offered as a chance to rest, receive and connect with your Deep Self. As the body listens to the sound with every cell, vibrations are felt as tangible movements of energy. Nothing is expected of you and there is no dogma to follow - this is simply an opportunity to lay down and be soothed by celestial harmonies.

    Sound Massage - Fusing sound therapy with relaxation massage and Reiki.An all encompassing, full-body mind and soul experience that invites deep healing!

  • Weekly Classes

    I offer a range of weekly on and offline classes.

    Mid Week Mini Retreat - Movement, Mantra, Meditation and Sound.

    New and Full Moon Women’s Creative Circles

  • Sacred Healing

    My sessions provide an experience of profound relaxation, a shift in energy, and the welcomed return of your presence as you attune to the higher frequency of your soul. We specialise in creating a sacred space for you to explore your inner self, in support of your healing and awakening journey. These sessions provide an experience of profound relaxation, a shift in energy, and the welcomed return of your presence as you attune to the higher frequency of your soul.

  • Baby Blessingways

    The idea of a Blessing Way (also known as a Mother Blessing Ceremony) is to celebrate a new mother rising. A Blessing Way can be done in place of or in addition to a “Baby Shower”. A Blessing Way is less focused on the baby and more a gathering of loved one to honor a woman’s rite of passage into motherhood. The intention of a Blessing Way is to support a mama in gathering strength and confidence in her upcoming labor and support in her unfold into her journey through mothering her new baby.

What is Sadhana?

Morning Sadhana is more than just a practice; it's a lifestyle choice that brings you closer to your true self, each day a step further on the path of self-realization and spiritual growth.


Join me for an extraordinary experience of reconnection and self-discovery, precisely what humankind needs right now to heal and uplift not only ourselves but the collective consciousness.

During this soul-nurturing sadhana, we will dissolve mental, physical, and emotional barriers, liberating ourselves from limitations and stress, creating space for profound joy, equanimity, and inner peace.

Prepare for an unforgettable life filled with laughter, freedom, and pure joy as we embark on a transformative morning sadhana journey.

This practice weaves together mental, physical, and spiritual tools to elevate our consciousness, healing us from the very core of our being, both physically and subtly.

Every weekday at 6.30am We will flow through a combination of spiritual and physical practices, including:

meditation, mantra, kriyas (specific exercises), intention setting, gratitude practice, affirmations and a daily oracle card reading.

Each Sadhana theme runs for 40 days.

The main reason for repeating an action every day for forty days is to ingrain it as a habit, a new discipline.  Through repetition, an internal pattern becomes to take hold.   It’s momentum and flow carry you as you feel the rhythms of your body change and come more aligned.  The practice that was once challenging becomes something to look forward to!

In current times, with increasing stress and distractions, this practice offers a powerful tool for maintaining mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing, helping us stay centered, focused, and connected to our higher selves.

The Benefits of Sadhana


The Benefits of Sadhana 〰️


  • Calms a busy mind, promoting tranquility, focus and clarity.

  • Helps create new neural pathways, enhancing brain function.

  • Programs the subconscious for positive thinking.

  • Improves cognitive functions and mental clarity.

  • Reduces stress and anxiety, fostering a sense of peace.

  • Enhances feelings of connectedness and mindfulness.


  • Reduces physical manifestations of stress and anxiety.

  • Regulates and strengthens the nervous system.

  • Boosts energy levels, promoting vitality.

  • Increases breath awareness, leading to better conscious connection between mind and body.

  • Promotes healing.


  • Fosters a deep sense of connection with the Divine, the universe, your higher self, God.

  • Encourages living a more conscious and mindful life.

  • Helps in awakening and rejuvenation, promoting spiritual growth.

  • Elevates your soul.


Staying on track and consistently moving forward can sometimes be a real challenge. I’m here to support you.

Sadhana's magic happens with regular daily practice, but let's be real sticking to it can be tough with a busy life, family, or crazy work schedule.

We've all been there, promising to step up for ourselves, only to find it's too early, or just too damn hard to leave the house.

Enter Soul Pod Online Sadhana, your at-home spiritual haven. Wave goodbye to excuses and embrace the transformative journey of Sadhana, accessible any time, with 20 live classes monthly and more!

And for those seeking deeper connections, our Soul Pod Membership is your spiritual Pod. It's not just about staying on the path; it's about thriving with rituals, ceremonies, and support from a community of incredible women.

We show up for each other, celebrating our magical journey together. Join us and elevate your soul journey to new heights.

Are YOU ready to make you and your life a PRIORITY?

Are YOU ready to make you and your life a PRIORITY?

What you will receive:​

  • Live Sadhana Practice on Facebook Monday to Friday with recordings Saturday and Sunday.

  • Private Member Community:
    Join like-minded souls on a parallel spiritual journey. Share experiences and gain insights within our supportive community.

  • Personal Connection with Me 😊💕
    Feel free to ask questions, seek deeper insight, and gain valuable knowledge as we embark on this transformative journey together. I'm here to support your growth, provide guidance, and share in your moments of spiritual breakthrough.

  • Accountability & Reminders:
    I understand the challenges of staying consistent with your practice amidst the demands of daily life! That's why you'll receive gentle reminders, loving nudges to keep you on track, inspiring you to engage in soul work, rituals, and celebrations that nurture your spiritual well-being.

  • Weekly Soulwork Suggestions:
    These weekly suggestions & areas of focus will provide a continuous stream of inspiration & guidance, ensuring you maintain a strong and vibrant connection with the sacred throughout the year.

  • A recorded video of our practice (Just in case you miss your alarm one day!)

  • PDF's of all the mantras and their translations

  • A chance to radically RESET your life

  • Your very own golden cord to wear and remind you of your commitment to yourself.


Next Sadhana starts in March!



  • Private community Facebook page.

  • Mentorship from Sara.

  • A recorded video of our practice (Just in case you miss your alarm one day!)

  • PDF's of all the mantras and their translations.

  • A new Sadhana every 40 days!

  • Free online workshops.

  • A chance to radically RESET your life.

  • A safe and sacred container to cultivate an ancient deep spiritual practice.

  • The time to meet your Soul, and experience your true authentic self. 

  • Your very own golden cord to wear and remind you of your commitment to yourself.

  • Secure checkout with Square.

  • Cancel at anytime.

No money will be taken from your account until day 15 of your trial and you can cancel within just 3 clicks at any time.

*Billed monthly, if your situation prevents you from joining please email Sara ( and we will work it out. My dream is to share this beautiful and transformative practice with everyone no matter what your circumstance.

About your Host:

kundalini yoga, meditation, yoga

Entrepreneur | Single Mom | Reiki Master | Kundalini Meditation & Mantra Teacher | Hatha Yoga Specialist | Women's Circle Facilitator | Blessing Facilitator | Breath Coach | Sound Therapist | Nature Lover

Navigating life's beautiful chaos as a mother and entrepreneur while harnessing the power of ancient practices like Kundalini meditation, Reiki, and yoga.

As a Yoga/Meditation teacher, Women's Circle and Blessing Facilitator, I create sacred spaces for profound soul exploration and empowerment. With a heart tuned to the healing energy of nature, I guide souls toward inner harmony, one breath at a time. Join me on this path of self-discovery and holistic well-being.

As a busy single mom and entrepreneur, my life was dictated by endless 'To-Do' lists, leaving me lost in the chaos of modern life. I felt disconnected from myself, from others, and from the Divine. What I truly desired was a spiritual practice that could anchor me and nurture a profound connection with my inner self and the amazing universe that surrounds us…

Elevate your mornings, elevate your life!

Sara Hawkins


Are you ready to start to uplift and elevate your life whilst saving time, money, and giving you some well deserved self love?

I know you are the kind of person who wants to be good, do good and feel good.

To support your journey, a Morning Sadhana that aligns with your busy lifestyle is key. Often, fitting a studio visit into an already packed schedule can feel overwhelming. That's why Soul Pod was born – an online wellness hub designed for people like you. It brings the studio experience to you, making it easy to integrate wellness into your life with me as your personal coach, available every day of the year.

Book your spot and let's begin this empowering journey together. Your well-being deserves priority, and it all starts with your Morning Sadhana.

The first step is just getting started.

Sara Hawkins

Founder | Soul Pod

From the Journal